"An opportunity to underline the importance of
the role of the new generations as protagonists
of the future." (Vatican website)
Next Vatican Gathering will be May, 2026
(Jubilee events taking place throughout 2025)
Pope Francis has invited children to join him in Rome for the first "World Children's Day" in May. He also invites all parishes to celebrate children locally during that time. For information on the Vatican event, please visit: www.worldchildrenday.org/ This page contains resources and ideas to celebrate locally around the Diocese of Youngstown, including: ways to include children in the weekend Liturgies, two Blessings of Children suggestions, Pope Francis' Message for World Children's Day, social media posts, ideas to use with children/families and more... |
“What type of world do we want to transmit to the children who are growing up?
Like Jesus, we want to put children at the centre and take care of them”
- Pope Francis, Angelus, December 8, 2023
2024 WCD Celebrations around DOY:
St. Michael the Archangel in Canton invited children to "Chalk the Walk with words and pictures of love and joy." Here are a few of the lovely images they shared:
Found in several Parish Bulletins:
information about 2024 World Children's Day, some
with prayers, others with event notices. Here are a few...
By the way, this is a screen shot of the parish bulletin St. Joseph Maximo shares with St. Joseph (Alliance), Regina Coeii and St. Ann (Sebring) Parishes two weeks later...what a great way to continue celebrating the gifts that children offer our parishes!
Click here,
Ideas for Parish and School Use:
A Few Ideas for WCD weekend:
"Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me." (Matthew 18: 5)
Blessing of Children Suggestions
(Adapted from Book of Blessings, 1989) Lord Jesus Christ, You loved children so much that you said: “Whoever welcomes a child welcomes me,” Hear our prayers, and, with your unfailing protection, Watch over these children (May they grow to maturity) confessing your name in willing faith, Being fervent in charity, and persevering courageously in the hope of reaching your kingdom, Where you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. + OR + Lord, our God, Look with kindness on these children Whom the faith of the Church commends to your tender care. Your Son, born of the Virgin Mary, gladly welcomed little children. He took them in his arms, blessed them, And held them up as an example for all. We pray that you, Father, Will also send your blessing on them So that they may grown in Christian maturity And, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Become Christ’s witnesses in the world, Spreading and defending the faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Suggestions for including children in the celebration of Mass
Children can:
Priest: Let us turn to our heavenly Father with these prayers of petition. Lector: For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and all our Church leaders; may Christ continue to guide and bless them in shepherding the young Church; let us pray to the Lord. For world leaders, may their hearts be converted by the Holy Spirit who pours out truth and love, and may they be inspired by the honesty and authenticity of the children around them; let us pray to the Lord. For an increase of vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and married life, and for devout discipleship in the single life; let us pray to the Lord. For this community of prayer, may God give us the awareness and grace to keep our young people in prayer as they discern the path God has created for them, as well as create and cultivate atmospheres and relationships where young people feel loved, heard, and like they belong; let us pray to the Lord. For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed, especially children lost to abortion, domestic violence, poverty, natural disasters, and suicide; let us pray to the Lord. For ______________________, for whom this Mass is offered; let us pray to the Lord. For all the intentions we hold in the silence of our hearts *short pause*; let us pray to the Lord. Priest: Heavenly Father, you know our need, in your mercy hear and answer our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Separate Petitions, if just adding to already existing petitions): For the children of our parish, on this World Children’s Day and every day, that they will experience our community as a place of care, challenge, and welcome, we pray to the Lord. For our faith community, that we continue to welcome and encourage the children of our parish to use their God-given gifts and talents for the Church and for the greater glory of God; we pray to the Lord. |
(include the logo if space permits)
Celebrate World Children’s Day!
Making the world a better place for everyone starts with prayer and little steps like saying hello, sorry, or thank you. “Our world will change if we all begin with these little things, without being ashamed to take small steps, one at a time,” said Pope Francis in a letter to children announcing the special event. World Children’s Day is May 25-26, 2024 in Vatican City and we as the local Church extend our gratitude for the energy, excitement and enthusiasm that children add to our faith community. Happy World Children’s Day!
(include the logo if space permits)
Celebrate World Children’s Day!
Making the world a better place for everyone starts with prayer and little steps like saying hello, sorry, or thank you. “Our world will change if we all begin with these little things, without being ashamed to take small steps, one at a time,” said Pope Francis in a letter to children announcing the special event. World Children’s Day is May 25-26, 2024 in Vatican City and we as the local Church extend our gratitude for the energy, excitement and enthusiasm that children add to our faith community. Happy World Children’s Day!
“An event like this offers children the possibility to become protagonists through moments of prayer, friendship, and formation”.
- Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education
- Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education
Video announcement of the first World Children's Day |
Holy Father's Message to Children for WCD: |
“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Mark 10: 14) |
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"The creation of this event encourages all of us Catholics to learn from children, pray for them, and
consider how we can take action to build a brighter future for their lives. It also invites us to
contemplate God’s heart for children and provides a beautiful opportunity to honor Christ by
caring for the youngest and most vulnerable among us.
consider how we can take action to build a brighter future for their lives. It also invites us to
contemplate God’s heart for children and provides a beautiful opportunity to honor Christ by
caring for the youngest and most vulnerable among us.
Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, reflected in the faces of children all over the the world. Come, Jesus, you who make all things new, who are the way that leads us to the Father, come and remain with us always. Amen. (Prayer from the Holy Father's Message for the first World Children's Day) |
Social Media Images to Share:
Pray the Our Father Daily in preparation for World Children's Day
"To prepare well for this, I would ask all of you to pray the same prayer that Jesus taught us –
the Our Father. Recite it every morning and every evening, in your families too, together with your
parents, brothers, sisters and grandparents. But not just by saying the words! Think about those words
that Jesus taught us. He is calling us and he wants us to join actively with him, on this World Children’s Day,
to become builders of a new, more humane, just and peaceful world."
- Pope Francis, Message for the first World Children's Day
"To prepare well for this, I would ask all of you to pray the same prayer that Jesus taught us –
the Our Father. Recite it every morning and every evening, in your families too, together with your
parents, brothers, sisters and grandparents. But not just by saying the words! Think about those words
that Jesus taught us. He is calling us and he wants us to join actively with him, on this World Children’s Day,
to become builders of a new, more humane, just and peaceful world."
- Pope Francis, Message for the first World Children's Day

or call 330 744-8451 ext 297, or email [email protected].
Hablemos de Dios: Let’s Talk About God. Angels Comella. Liturgical Press, 2001. Let’s Talk About God uses simple concepts to help children begin to develop their first religious beliefs. It teaches children to admire the work of God, to praise and give thanks to God, to trust in God and to share the love of God with all things on earth.
or call 330 744-8451 ext 297, or email [email protected].
Hablemos de Dios: Let’s Talk About God. Angels Comella. Liturgical Press, 2001. Let’s Talk About God uses simple concepts to help children begin to develop their first religious beliefs. It teaches children to admire the work of God, to praise and give thanks to God, to trust in God and to share the love of God with all things on earth.

Praying with My Fingers: An Easy Way to Talk with God. Inspired by Pope Francis. Paraclete Press, 2014. This creative form of prayer has been around for a long time, and is often credited, especially today, to Pope Francis when he was the Archbishop of Argentina. Regardless of its origins, it is a powerful way to teach our children to pray that the Holy Father has often utilized in his ministry.

The Lord’s Prayer. Loyola Learning Tools. Loyola Press, 2015.
The Lord's Prayer Booklet helps children learn the Lord's Prayer through words and pictures.

Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World. Pope Francis. Loyola Press, 2016. Children have questions and struggles just like adults, but rarely are they given the chance to voice their concerns and ask the big questions resting deep in their hearts. In Dear Pope Francis, Pope Francis gives them that change and celebrates their spiritual depth by directly answering questions from children around the world. Some are fun. Some are serious. And some will quietly break your heart. But all of them are from children who deserve to know and feel God’s unconditional love.
Logo explanation: It depicts the hands of the little ones
embraced by the Church, under the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.
embraced by the Church, under the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.