What is Lay Ecclesial Ministry?
The term lay ecclesial ministry reflects certain key realities. Lay ecclesial ministry is: (1) Lay because it is service done by lay persons. The sacramental basis is the Sacraments of Initiation, not the Sacrament of Ordination. (2) Ecclesial because it has a place within the community of the Church, whose communion and mission it serves, and because it is submitted to the discernment, authorization, and supervision of the hierarchy. (3) Ministry because it is the work by which Christians participate in the threefold ministry of Christ, who is priest, prophet, and king and continue his mission and ministry in the world.
Lay ecclesial ministers are women and men whose ecclesial service (lay ecclesial ministry) is characterized by: (1) Authorization of the hierarchy to serve publicly in the local church Leadership in a particular area of ministry (2) Close mutual collaboration with the pastoral ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons (3) Preparation and formation appropriate to the level of responsibilities that are assigned to them.
The following understandings should be kept in mind: The term "lay ecclesial minister" is generic. "Lay ecclesial minister" is not itself a specific position title. It is not used in order to establish a new rank or order among the laity. It is the responsibility of the bishop, or his delegate, in accord with the norms of canon law, to identify the roles that most clearly exemplify lay ecclesial ministry. The application of the term may vary from diocese to diocese (Co-workers in the Vineyard).
Lay ecclesial ministers are women and men whose ecclesial service (lay ecclesial ministry) is characterized by: (1) Authorization of the hierarchy to serve publicly in the local church Leadership in a particular area of ministry (2) Close mutual collaboration with the pastoral ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons (3) Preparation and formation appropriate to the level of responsibilities that are assigned to them.
The following understandings should be kept in mind: The term "lay ecclesial minister" is generic. "Lay ecclesial minister" is not itself a specific position title. It is not used in order to establish a new rank or order among the laity. It is the responsibility of the bishop, or his delegate, in accord with the norms of canon law, to identify the roles that most clearly exemplify lay ecclesial ministry. The application of the term may vary from diocese to diocese (Co-workers in the Vineyard).
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Lay Ecclesial Ministry and Faith Formation Events
Lay Ecclesial Ministry and Faith Formation Events
The National Community of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL) promotes the ministries of Evangelization and Catechesis by fostering a community of leaders who proclaim and teach the Word of Jesus Christ through the witness of accompaniment, education and formation in the Catholic faith. Click the image for the link.
Video Presentations online at NCCL
NALM is dedicated to providing vision, voice, leadership, and advocacy for lay ministers and for the development of lay ministry in the Catholic Church. We do this through fostering and supporting the spiritual and theological formation, training, and ongoing development of career and volunteer lay ministers. Click the image on the left to be directed to the site.
As members of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC), we recommit ourselves to the original mandate from the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy to assist and engage the Church in the United States in the promotion of the liturgical renewal as envisioned by the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Click the logo to learn more about FDLC.
The Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians (CRCCM) is the collegial gathering of musicians serving cathedral churches in the United States and Canada. It engages in dialogue, reflection, deliberation, resource exchange, mutual support, and ongoing professional development in consideration of the musico-liturgical practice in unique Cathedral settings as models for the Church-at-large. For resources and membership click the logo on the left.
NFCYM looks to a future when young people see themselves as children of God who live as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ; when the gifts, struggles and diverse realities of young people are welcomed in Catholic faith communities; when ministry leaders have embraced the joy of the Gospel, and when families are living as the domestic church.
NFCYM commits to advancing the field of pastoral ministry to young people by forming, equipping, and supporting ministry leaders in their service to young people and their families; modeling and fostering a ministry of acompañamiento among young people of all cultures, languages, socioeconomic and geographic realities; and, partnering with parents and equipping families of young people as they witness to Jesus Christ in their daily lives. |
These books on Lay Ecclesial Ministry are available in the library. Click here to reserve library materials, or call 330-744-8451 ext. 249.
While focusing on the laity, we wish to address the whole Church. We affirm the vision of the Second Vatican Council and the importance it gives to the laity. We look forward to what is still to come under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, making the Church more and more the perfect image of Christ. We also acknowledge that these continuing developments may require new concepts, new terminology, new attitudes, and new practices. In prayerful dialogue with all our sisters and brothers we are prepared to make those changes that will aid in building the kingdom.
Learn about the five thresholds of postmodern conversion, how to open a conversation about faith and belief, how to ask thought-provoking questions and establish an atmosphere of trust, when to tell the Great Story of Jesus, how to help someone respond to God's call to intentional discipleship, and much more.